The Conference Proceeding Book  will be published by SpringerThe full texts should be prepared via the template file given with the following link: Templatefile (tex)

?? The title of the proceedings book is ???Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications???

?? The work will be indexed on Scopus, zbMath, and Mathematical Reviews. Proceeding submissions will be done via Easychair platform, please click the link to submit your paper: LINK

Please find our ???Contributor Agreement??? form. Each of the corresponding authors, collect the completed forms and submit the scanned version of the Contributor Agreement along with the final manuscript so that Springer may start with the production of the book.


Each corresponding author should print the form, enter the title of the chapter as well as the names of the authors at the top of the form and sign it.

Important: Details of the chapter authors (sequence, names, name, and affiliation of corresponding author) given in the Contributor Agreement should be complete, final and correspond to the details given in the manuscript. As this is a legal document, we cannot accept changes at a later stage and ask for your understanding in this matter.

Please pass on the Contributor Agreement, the Permissions Request Form and the link to SpringerNature's proceedings website to all corresponding authors.

Deadline for Submission: 15 September 2024